Lately, many people are looking for information about investing and investing in real estate
However, many people assume that by investing in an apartment and making repairs, they will be able to rent it more expensive than others or sell this apartment for a higher price, because there is a repair …. But in fact, this is not the case. There is an average price for each neighborhood of Alicante (see our article “Current Prices”), and the price of rent does not depend on the value of the apartment!
Sometimes we get clients who want to rent their apartment for 1.000€/month because they bought it for 120.000€. Some agencies, in order to sell the apartment, promise the client a very high rent in areas where the average cost does not exceed 500 € / month. So before you buy, ask the agency: Do they do rentals? And what are the prices of actual rental properties in which neighborhoods?”, etc. This is the first step – find out the average price of an areda by neighborhood. And from that you can build on from there.
Another point. If the average price of an apartment in the area “X” euros, some buyers expect that by making repairs in it, they can earn “razy money“, selling it in the future for a conditional “X+20%” euros, because it is repaired! This, unfortunately, is not true. In order to profit from the repair and sell the apartment quickly, the purchase price should already include: the average price of the apartment in the area + taxes + the amount of repairs + the cost of furniture. It is for this price you should look for an apartment, and then you can say that you bought the apartment profitably.
Here it should be added that Alicante, not the first year, is a favorite place for investors whose goal is investment in real estate. And if they write about it in various media, then you are not the first, there are a lot of people who want to do it.
Our agency offers other options for investing in real estate:
- purchase of several properties at once under the mortgage;
- economical apartments in areas where, due to a shortage of apartments for rent, the average rent is rising;
- purchase an apartment in an area where in the near future will be built new parks, modern hospitals, road interchanges, new elite urbanization, because of which the cost of apartments and rent will rise;
When buying you need to understand the current situation and think ahead, and do not take as a basis “and my friends bought here…”. “. Perhaps they bought an apartment 5 years ago and the situation has already changed. Every year, you will read articles on forums and in social networks: “now is the time to invest in real estate …”, but it is. Real estate – it is profitable always, if you buy wisely and prospect for the future. But do not buy where your acquaintances or friends 3-5 years ago, there most likely prices have already increased by 20-50%.
We can offer you the most profitable and best offers in other areas and explain why you should buy there! With our agency you will not be left in a loss, if our clients earn – we earn. Our motto is “We earn together!”
For any questions, please contact mail@broadway-consulting.com