On Monday, March 16, it was announced that internal borders in the EU will be closed as of noon on Tuesday, March 17. This is a temporary measure introduced at the request of the European Commission to contain the spread of the epidemic. It will last for only 30 calendar days. In Spain, the Ministry of the Interior announced the restoration of land border controls until the end of the state of alert. Spanish citizens; people residing in Spain; cross-border workers and those who document reasons of force majeure or a situation of necessity will be allowed in.
Spanish citizens; people residing in Spain; cross-border workers and those who document reasons of force majeure or a situation of necessity.
So, Spain takes responsibility for the further development of events in its territory, and without waiting for help from outside, goes into self-isolation. As a domestic policy at the moment the quarantine of medium severity is chosen in the hope for a high culture of citizens and respect for the rules. In terms of economy, it is almost completely closed personal services: restaurants, hotels, cinemas, museums, sports halls, sporting events, universities, schools, transportation, tourism, etc. It is also a temporary freeze on many investment projects, including construction. With the conscious behavior of the population, the state will not have to introduce harsher quarantine measures. This will help to slow down the sharp decline of the economy.
But life does not stop there. And even more! Following global trends, e-commerce and distance selling are expected to boom in Spain’s economic field. There is a rapid reorientation of all possible services and services from offline to online. New regulatory tools are being introduced in all sectors of economic activity. For example, banks are gradually introducing a simplified scheme for opening accounts and approving mortgage loans with electronic submission of documents. Similarly, all areas are gradually being reorganized, and human and financial resources are being redistributed.
All this means that it is time to live in a new way, use all these tools and enjoy the process. To be flexible, to make the most of new communication opportunities. Not to panic and have realistic expectations. Reasonable and conscious behavior and attitude of everyone will reduce the possible depth of the crisis. Definitely, this situation will bring more positive changes to everyone than it seems at the moment.
The word “crisis” written in Chinese consists of two characters: one means “danger” and the other means “favorable opportunity” (John Kennedy).
Regards, wishes for health and peace,
Anna Lioubavina and the team at Broadway Consulting Corporation SL