Winter, the time of colds not only northern cold countries, but also in warm Spain.
What is the state of health care in this country? Medicine in Spain is at a high level and is recognized as one of the most advanced: the country ranks fourth in the world in terms of doctors’ qualifications, clinics’ equipment and affordability.
Spaniards are the main long-livers in Europe, today the average life expectancy in the peninsula is 83 years, and according to forecasts, the figure will increase.
98% of the population has access to free medical care, which is 2% higher than the European average. The state provides not only outpatient treatment for citizens, but also surgical intervention, hospitalization and rehabilitation, during which modern equipment and innovations are applied to all, regardless of nationality or financial status.
Public or public for-profit clinic?
The procedure for contacting a doctor in a public and a commercial clinic is different. The former involves the initial “filtering” of patients by a local general practitioner. After examining the patient, he gives recommendations in case of minor ailments, prescribes medication or directs to the right specialist. Due to the high demand for Spanish medicine, waiting for a visit stretches for weeks and even months, so some people prefer to go to private institutions, where the problem of queues is absent. For a paid consultation, a person chooses a doctor himself, based on reviews on the Internet or recommendations of acquaintances, makes an appointment with him directly and saves considerable time.
The country’s medical workers strictly adhere to the principle of “Do no harm”, allowing the body to cope with the disease as much as possible on its own, so, unlike the practice of many post-Soviet countries, they are unlikely to prescribe a mountain of drugs unnecessarily. This does not mean that you will leave the office empty-handed – the treatment will be carried out, but strictly as prescribed and without the need to swallow pills “for prevention”. Perhaps it is because of this principle are born jokes that in Spain everything that can not be cured paracetamol, can be isolated ibuprofen)))
The Spanish health care system provides basic and emergency medical care for the population, including the whole range of services: consultations on various types of diseases, emergency ambulance and primary care, tests and surgeries (except dentistry).
Despite the excellent quality of state and municipal medical care, more and more Spaniards and resident foreigners prefer to use the services of private institutions. It is no secret that, no matter how accessible medicine is, such private care is not a cheap pleasure: so, a consultation in a clinic in Spain can cost 100-150 euros, surgery – from 1000. That is why most users of paid hospitals resort to an insurance policy, partially or fully covering the treatment course. According to data for 2019, more than 20% of the population improved their health with insurance.
The main players in the insurance market are five companies – Adeslas, Sanitas, Asisa, DKV and Mapfre – accounting for 70% of policies. Monthly quotas depend on the amount of coverage, age and health status of the patient, with the standard price starting at €40 per month.
Broadway Consulting can help you with your insurance and medical card for public clinics!