In September this year, it was proposed to simplify the process of evicting “okupas” from property and even second residences. We wrote about it in a previous article. The new bill promised quick evictions with the help of police officers, as well as tougher penalties for those who trespassed. After such news, property owners in Spain breathed a sigh of relief and already hoped that soon they will be able to return the house without lengthy legal proceedings.
But this initiative, drafted by the parties CitizensCitizens, PPP and Vox, was rejected by the Spanish Congress this week. The text of the bill was submitted for consideration this Thursday, October 1. According to the initiating parties, the law now does not protect homeowners and does not give them any rights. Unlike “okupas”, which are often under the control of the “mafia” and strike a blow to the country’s reputation.
Despite all arguments, however, the law was finally rejected by the lower house after receiving a “NO” from the majority of the congressional parties. Thus, the problem of housing recoupment, still, remains relevant and unresolved in Spain.
We also want to remind our readers that “ocupas” and tenants who are late in paying are not the same thing. We encountered this issue from our clients last week. In our last article, we already wrote that “okupas” are people who invade someone else’s apartment/home or second residence by any means possible if the landlords are not living there for a long time and the apartments are empty.
But if your tenants stop paying, they don’t become “okupas”. The main difference is that they have a rental contract, they did not enter the apartment illegally. In such cases, eviction is only through the courts.
We together with you hope that the law on eviction of “okupas” will still be adopted, and the owners of apartments will get the right to defend their property will be easier.
If you have questions about this or other topics, contact us at Broadway Consulting. We are on Facebook, Instagram or email mail@broadway-consulting.com