Low fixed interest rate, loan up to 70%
Loan terms are different for each client. The minimum mortgage financing is 50% and the maximum is 70% for non-residents of Spain.
Fixed interest rate – from 5.25% per annum (depends on the loan term and down payment).
The loan term is up to 30 years.
Documents to apply for a mortgage loan
Depending on the bank’s terms and conditions, the following documents may be required.
For a private person:
– Certificate of employment on company letterhead, where the position and from what date you are an employee with the signature of the head and the stamp of the company is indicated
– Certificate of income of an individual (form 2-NDFL) for the current and previous years
For a legal entity:
– Certificate of registration of the enterprise
– Articles of Association of the enterprise
– Tax returns for the current and previous years
– Original passport
– Letter of recommendation from your bank
– Bank statement of account movements for the last 6 months
– Extract from credit bureau
– Other proof of income
– NIE (Spanish alien number)
All documents must be officially translated into Spanish and notarized.