What do you imagine when you hear the word Spain? The sea and a glass of sangria on a sunny beach? Or maybe bullfighting and bulls?
All of this is here, but Spain is not limited to this. The culture of this country is very multifaceted, as well as its territories, landscapes and climatic zones.
Today we will tell you about the north of Spain and the region Asturias, about its small cozy towns, mountains drowning in greenery and fog and apple cider. Maybe this Spain will be closer to some of you?
Asturias’ population of about 1.2 million lives in three relatively large cities – Oviedo, Jijon and Aviles, several smaller towns, and dozens of fishing villages and hamlets. This region of Spain has almost officially earned the name Paraiso natural – natural paradise. Rocky mountains with evergreen slopes, close to the turbulent Biscay Bay, eucalyptus forests, abundance of rivers – all this makes the Asturian landscapes unique.
In July and August, Asturias is traditionally filled with people from other regions of the country, fleeing the sizzling heat of central Spain.
If you are looking for a beautiful place to live a quiet and measured life in a non-hot climate, this region could be home to you.
A nice bonus! Housing and cost of living in the North of Spain is often much cheaper than in the South. For example, the tax on the purchase of secondary property in Asturias will be 8% compared to 10%, which is charged in the Valencian District, on the South Coast.
Here you can have dinner in a restaurant for 15€, while in the south the prices in this category increase immediately in 2 times, because of the abundance of tourists.
There are still inexpensive properties in good condition and within walking distance of the city center: from 25.000€ in small towns, or for 50.000€ in the city center.
Contact Broadway Consulting, we will help you with finding the perfect home for you, as well as with all the issues that may arise when buying an apartment in Spain!