They are proposing a moratorium for small and medium-sized companies that have reduced their turnover and for self-employed citizens who are out of work.
The government and the power companies themselves are trying to make sure no one has problems paying for electricity and gas. The State of Emergency imposed by the Spanish government does not allow normal supplies to be cut, but the companies are offering a moratorium for small and medium-sized companies that have cut back on turnover and for self-employed citizens who are out of work.
The Spanish government is not allowing any cuts in normal supplies.
Electricity company Aelec, which includes four major companies, Iberdrola, Endesa, Naturgy and EDP, will reduce the (potencia contratada) capacity prescribed in consumers’ contracts for the duration of the emergency.
This measure will above all have a positive impact on small and medium-sized companies. As well as private entrepreneurs, who must continue to pay their bills even if their businesses are closed. The capacity specified in the contract is a key factor in the high cost of electricity, along with paying taxes.
Based on the current rules, only one change in the capacity value in the contract is allowed per year.
In addition, major power companies are also offering delays on bill payments. So that those most affected during quarantine can more easily weather the crisis caused by the coronavirus. The measure they propose to companies is to postpone the payment to the second half of the year without charging interest. It is estimated that up to 25,000 customers could qualify for this option.
For regular customers, the annuity and annual consumption terms will remain in place so they can qualify for social assistance with electricity and gas bills. Standard power of less than 10kW is covered by a regulated rate, officially called the voluntary small consumer price (PVPC).
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With respect, wishes for health and peace,
Anna Lioubavina and the team at Broadway Consulting Corporation SL