If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude toward it.
William Blake
Despite the fact that many are now in a wait-and-see attitude, no one knows how events will develop further. We can only follow the government’s orders and respond to changes in a timely manner. We can say unequivocally that this situation will be resolved in any case, which means that this is no reason to give up your dream to live by the sea and have in their ownership of real estate in Spain.
Yes, it is not in our power to change the current situation. But we work remotely, continue to be with you and keep our hand on the pulse of the latest events to inform you of the real state of affairs. Whatever stage your transaction is at, it is not canceled, but put on “pause”. Unfortunately, many services operate on a limited basis.
In fact, the following changes have taken place in the work of institutions in Spain:
- Notary offices, public bodies (town halls, tax, registration, social services, etc.), service offices (Aguas de Alicante, Iberdrola, Airelimpio, Gas Natural, Vodafone, Orange, etc.) are closed to the public as part of the quarantine measures, until the next government order.
- All assigned citas in all services have not been canceled! They will be included in the work schedules once the normal functioning of these services resumes, to be notified.
- Maximum number of processes of all services are conducted online.
So, we stay in touch with you – feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Given the circumstances, we will find solutions for your specific individual case.
With respect, wishes for health and peace,
Anna Lioubavina and the team at Broadway Consulting Corporation SL